A new product and other updates

Happy Wednesday, Reader!

It's hard to believe another year has come and gone. To be honest, I find myself a bit heavy these days. Heavy at the thought that the calendar seems to be zooming by faster than I can keep up with. Time is literally slipping through my fingers like a rope that I don't have a good grip on. My hair is going grey, my face is doing a new thing (don't even), my oldest son will be 16 this year. How did this happen? More importantly, how can I seize this rope? I know I can't slow time, I know I can't stop myself (or my kids) from aging. But man, I feel just about desperate to hold onto it. Our time is so short with our kids at home and our family all together. And while I refuse to live in fear or anxiousness, I also don't want to squander the little bit of precious time that we have.

While everyone else around me seemed to celebrate the turning of the new year, I felt like Cinderella on the 9th ring of the midnight bell. I can't let myself think of all the lengths of rope I missed—all the things I didn't appreciate, all the possibilities I said no to. I can't let myself look back because my heart might just break. Instead I choose to look down, to seize this year, and to take as many opportunities as I can. For the first time (in my whole life) I don't have a list of new years goals and resolutions. I don't have a new schedule that will change our family's life. Maybe it took me this long to truly understand my own weaknesses and failings. "The best laid plans of mice and men oft' go awry," (To a Mouse by Robert Burns)—I don't want to be a mouse anymore. I'm tired of running on the wheel, trying to do this all by sheer will: working harder, faster, better. Let's face it, I know who I am and so does my Father. He never asked for perfection, He asked for obedience. So for 2023, I lay down my list and choose this instead:

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). I will listen to the still, small voice. I will give Him my fears, my regrets, my grief, and my tender hopes. I will trust that even the precious time I have let slip through my fingers will be redeemed by Him. I will believe that there are greater things in front of us than the things that are behind us. I will declare that time has not defeated me, that God isn't finished with me yet, and that in my weakness . . . He is strong.

My new year's musings aside, let's get to the news . . .

Are you registered for our Gather 'Round Spring Retreat?

Dates: April 20-23, 2023
Where: Lake Junaluska Retreat and Conference Center in North Carolina
Theme: Rise Up!
Little by little, I can feel God planting things in my heart for this. It comes up in the most unexpected places—conversations with my kids, games night with my family or friends, etc. All of a sudden I have this idea that so moves my heart I just know its part of the message God wants to share. And then, nearly as quickly as it came, it leaves. Forgotten, but not lost. I recognize the sower by now. These little seeds that will germinate in my spirit and take root in my heart. Our first U.S. retreat is going to be incredibly special and I feel such a stirring for you to be there. You who have followed me through all of this or perhaps are just starting. You, who have made this all possible. This retreat is not a convention, it will likely cost us more than we could possibly recoup, but it isn't about a profit. This retreat is Jonathan and my heart to pour back. As we gather in His name, worship in His name, pray together in His name, and fellowship in His name . . . things are going to change, my friend. I believe with all my heart that kids are going to be set free from anxiety and depression, that parents are going to walk away with hope and joy, and just like He is doing in my heart, that God is going to drop seeds into all of our lives that will bear MUCH fruit. I want you there with all of my heart. I want to meet you, to meet your kids, to pray for you, and to together stand and tell the story of His great faithfulness. I sincerely hope you will join us at a one-of-a-kind retreat in only 4 short months.

I'm Going Live!

Join me today at 11:30PST/2:30 EST for a live chat! I have been praying about this a lot, and I am going to be addressing a big topic: homeschooling and the government. A preface to a podcast that's been burning in my heart, we'll be talking about charter schools and the Canadian equivalent, DL schools. Don't miss it or check out the replay.

Ready to get organized for the new year?

US History 6 is coming along nicely, we are about half way through and hoping to get that out to you still this month (and for those of you who pre-ordered 1-6, those will all be coming at once). This unit is going to be incredibly special so stay tuned for a bit of a sneak peek in our live today! I pray that as we start off our years, we will fix our expectations with what God says rather than man. May we seek Him first and ALL these things will be added unto us.


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Rebecca Spooner

Rebecca is a second-generation homeschool mom with five kids who used to review curriculum and now she creates it! Author of More Than Words Bible curriculum and creator of Gather 'Round Homeschool, a kingdom-minded new model of education where the entire family gathers in His name and learns all of the subjects together. Join us for behind-the-scenes updates and news.

Read more from Rebecca Spooner

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