Calling all locals!

I've been talking for a while about my dream to build a new-wineskin model of a hybrid school and the potential of starting an inter-city youth. We're considering both options for the fall and I wanted to make sure you were looped in.

Hybrid Info Night

We are having an info night at our local church here in downtown Athens next Tuesday. I know it is short notice! If we don't get enough interest I will likely cancel it and try for another time (so please register if you are coming and cancel if you are not). With our touring schedule, the next available date for something like this would be July—which would be cutting it pretty close. As we hope to start this end of August/beginning of September, we feel that we have to start having some of these initial discussions to see if it is feasible.

A few notes: please bring your kids and your spouses! I don't just want buy in from you, I want buy in from your kids! I want to give them a glimpse of what this could be. There is a coffee shop on site that makes incredible specialty drinks by donation so there will be time for some milling about before we begin.


We are seriously considering some sort of youth church and some of you have heard me mention it before so I wanted to bring it up again. I haven't forgotten! If we did something like this, I see the school as being the catalyst as the kids would naturally want more. I don't want the masses, I want a core group that wants to help me pioneer something deeper, something richer, and something completely counter-culture. Come to the info night to hear more.

Rebecca Spooner

Rebecca is a second-generation homeschool mom with five kids who used to review curriculum and now she creates it! Author of More Than Words Bible curriculum and creator of Gather 'Round Homeschool, a kingdom-minded new model of education where the entire family gathers in His name and learns all of the subjects together. Join us for behind-the-scenes updates and news.

Read more from Rebecca Spooner

The sale ends tonight! I don't want you to miss out because tomorrow morning our prices are changing. Print is going up 5% and digital is going up 20%, which will be a significant jump for many of you. We announced this price increase months ago so there would be lots of time to plan, and specifically chose to do the sale based on our current prices to be a blessing to you. There has been some negativity around this change, and truthfully I get it. I understand the frustration and...

Our sale is live! It only goes until Sunday, July 21st at 11:59pm, so you have a limited time to get your order in. Shop now here. I know sales can be a stressful time, with a lot of pressure to figure out what you are doing—and this is not what we want for you! Both Jonathan and I believe strongly in taking your time, having the conversations, praying about it, and making decisions in peace and confidence. I will be going live today at 2pm EST to help answer those questions so if you still...

We're doing our biggest sale yet and I don't want you to miss out! From Wednesday, July 17th at 8am EST to Sunday, July 24th at 11:59pm, everything on our site is 20% off. After this, our prices are going up by 5% for print and 20% for digital, so this will be the lowest prices you will ever get the books at and I know many are planning on stocking up on some of our newest titles. A few things to note: We print to order, so our warehouse becomes very backlogged during our sales because it is...