New options for groups

We have a big update!

In the past, we have required groups to purchase a license but we have completely revamped our group-use programs and I wanted to share the details with you.

Option 1: Homeschooling Together

All the time we hear about neighbors, friends, or sisters who want to get together to do our units with one another. We have removed licensing for this and only have one requirement: that you each buy your own materials. This makes it easier than ever to homeschool together, but please note that you cannot share a Teacher's Guide or print from one digital file or account. Each family must have their own shopify account and purchase one of each thing they need for their own family. We are basically removing our oversight of this, but this is an act of trust that people will help us maintain our copyright and licensing so that we can keep offering items in digital moving forward. Co-ops can use this program, groups, churches—anyone who wants to go with the model of everyone just buying their own resources and coming together.

Option 2: Bulk Orders

Larger co-ops, hybrids, and schools that operate differently will benefit from our large groups and schools bulk order program. This structure works best for any group that wants to handle all the ordering together to save on shipping and is incorporating materials into their overhead cost. Again, we have removed licensing for this and are making it easier than ever to help support your group learning! All that is required for this program is that you order printed student notebooks for each student and a printed Teacher's Guide for each teacher that is teaching. What you get out of it is discounts! Your families get a discount code, you get a discount based on the volume of your order, and we even offer printed samples that we will ship to you for free to help you in the planning stage as you gather parent support or organize your year.

We understand that Gather 'Round is uniquely suited for groups, co-ops, and schools because of the one-room-schoolhouse format and are going to be investing in this in the months to come. We are hoping to do live classes at our home studio to help us record online classes and offer more resources, support, and even a simple business plan to help you get started. I believe groups are the future, and so I'm removing any hindrance that stands in the way and making it as accessible as possible to each and every one of you. Moving forward we are removing our schools department and integrating everything with our main customer support team so you can simply hit reply to this email or email us at to request your samples if you are a large group or ask any questions!

What are you waiting for?

Rebecca Spooner

Rebecca is a second-generation homeschool mom with five kids who used to review curriculum and now she creates it! Author of More Than Words Bible curriculum and creator of Gather 'Round Homeschool, a kingdom-minded new model of education where the entire family gathers in His name and learns all of the subjects together. Join us for behind-the-scenes updates and news.

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