Want to see a sneak peek of our new Music unit?

Happy Thursday Reader,

We are so excited about our newest unit release coming soon . . . Music! This unit took an interesting turn as we sat in the vision casting stage. There were so many different angles we could have taken: composers, artists, instruments, and so forth. But as I considered music, I was so drawn to the story. It has been woven all throughout history, either reflected as a reaction to things happening in the world or even steering and influencing culture as a catalyst for change! From the beginning of time, with the very first rumbles of God's voice, we have been singing a new song. With His breath in our lungs, we express ourselves through melodies and harmonies and innovation of brand new styles, genres, and instruments. Join us on for this art and history unit as we see the power of music in . . . everything. Students will be focusing on music analysis, lyric analysis, rhythm and rhyme, a few hymn studies, a Psalm study, and eventually writing their own song. This unit is truly a work of art: from the design to the content, it has been a labor of love and is sure to give you a whole new perspective on music in general. The free sample is now available.

What's coming?

Some of you have questioned what we will do now that our main lineup is "done". The answer is . . . a lot.

Math: We are hard at work on math, creating an incredible new format that will work to teach the basics of math through grade 7. Beta tester sign up will begin right after our summer event on July 22, so stay tuned!

North American Birds Part II: At the same time, we are excited to announce a brand new North American Birds unit (part 2). We are hoping to release this toward the end of August or early September for our 5 year anniversary celebration! The first lesson will be a throwback to our origin story with the good old American Robin, but most of the lessons are about new birds entirely and will match our new format, including seatwork!

Bible Studies, sales, and a family ministry event: We have started a new company for our Bible studies to go under called Fully Surrendered and will be launching a new Bible study this fall as well to add to our James unit, so there is a lot to look forward to. Plus don't miss our Back to School sale 2024 (our lowest prices ever before the price increase) or our in-person family revival weekend here in Athens, GA. I believe God is going to do amazing things in the lives of families and we can't wait to see where He leads! Please be sure to register so that we can make sure we have room, and if you can't make it just shoot us an email so we can cancel your ticket and know what to expect for numbers.

A New Social Media Account: Our family has been praying a lot about the future and where God is calling us. We have decided to start a new social media account that is separate from all things homeschooling. You can now find me on Instagram @Rebeccaspoonerofficial. I'm not sure if I'll do a FB page as well, but this is where we'll be posting a new podcast series, vlog, and general encouragement related to family, faith, marriage, business, and whatever else God lays on our hearts. If you've been missing that content, head over and give that account a follow so you don't miss it when it comes!

Otherwise, we're all set up for our event here in Elizabethtown, PA for our final convention of the season: CHAP. If you missed it, you can catch a special interview I did on their page here.

Rebecca Spooner

Rebecca is a second-generation homeschool mom with five kids who used to review curriculum and now she creates it! Author of More Than Words Bible curriculum and creator of Gather 'Round Homeschool, a kingdom-minded new model of education where the entire family gathers in His name and learns all of the subjects together. Join us for behind-the-scenes updates and news.

Read more from Rebecca Spooner

The sale ends tonight! I don't want you to miss out because tomorrow morning our prices are changing. Print is going up 5% and digital is going up 20%, which will be a significant jump for many of you. We announced this price increase months ago so there would be lots of time to plan, and specifically chose to do the sale based on our current prices to be a blessing to you. There has been some negativity around this change, and truthfully I get it. I understand the frustration and...

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